Tuesday, October 6, 2009


I wish I could see 'thoughts'. Analyze their chemical and physical properties and perhaps try to figure out how thoughts can be so overpowering. It is with thoughts that a mortal can become a God. My thoughts are like random extreme. Funny when I say that it is like a rubber ball shot off from a 'hydron collider'. So it travels fast and does not follow a certain trajectory. Thus my thoughts bumps on almost everything under the sun and beyond.


1. Objectivity - fidelity towards facts rather than associating any judgments over something.

2. Subjectivity - a scenario where the object of issue is treated with judgments, bias or opinions.

3. Consensus - an opinion or position reached by a group as a whole (http://www.answers.com/topic/consensus).

4. Status quo - the present condition or situation of something. (Bangla - Prekhyapot)


  1. Very good - are all the definitions besides consensus by yourself? I've never heard your definition of status quo before. I've been told "bortoman shamajik obostha." I'll be interested in learning the nuances between them.

    Here are some blogs you may like:
    http://www.metafilter.com/ ("The best of the best in web commentary")
    http://lifehacker.com/ ("tips and downloads for getting things done")
    http://copyranter.blogspot.com/ (A copywriter comments on fantastic - but mostly fantastically BAD advertising)

    If you don't like these in particular, they may lead you to something you do. Especially Metafilter - there are many new things if you just follow the links - like following the rabbit down the hole.


  2. Thank you indeed. Yes you guessed right, those three were mine except for consensus. Although I defined objectivity and subjectivity from a journalistic view. But anyways nobody is complaining!

