Saturday, October 24, 2009

Do You Believe What You See?

Wag the Dog is a satirical film about the American politics and its media. It displays how the media plays a pivotal role for deluding the American people and diverting all their attention towards something absolutely fictitious. The consumers of mainstream media are nonchalant enough to not notice how the media is opening gaping holes of delusion and fantasia everyday. We humans are constantly constructing meanings from anything that come into contact of our senses. The mass media is one of the most traditional and trusted sources of information in any society. That is what the common belief is. It’s a cardinal duty of the media to reflect and make an account of the society it operates in. In doing so the media reforms, distorts, empowers, creates, terminates and does all kinds of stuff to influence how we make meanings out of everything. In doing so media infuses more construe into our perceived reality. Or think in line with the Plato’s cave theory. Reality is all that is projected in front of us. We don’t know what it absolutely is that we hold to be true and what is beyond. This film is a perfect example of how media can constructs the world of meanings around us.

Quote of the week

"It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness"

(Ancient Chinese Proverb)

1 comment:

  1. Excellent post. Mass media are a force for both great good and great evil in society. A society that encourages open discussion and criticism of higher powers is one where media is most transparent and trusted.
